Luca’s 1000 Palabras

It literally took my breath away. I stared at the picture and my heart began to
race, and a million thoughts flooded my mind. The vision had nothing to do
with me but had everything to do with what the picture captured and the
potential symbolism.

On a recent vacation to Puerto Rico, my daughter snapped a photo of my
grandson in my arms overlooking the beautiful town of Villalba-We are
standing on the edge of property that is elevated thousands of feet up the
mountain side. The property belongs to the Romero family (son-in-law) and
their house was built on a flattened Mango farm. On that bright sunny day,
we could see for miles down through the homes and businesses and out to
the blue waters of the distant ocean. We are standing under an almond tree
whose top flattens to run parallel with the earth. Just off to my left hangs a
hammock between two trunks under this incredible canopy. We are just a
tiny spec in the beauty of this countryside, and that is what makes the picture

Luca is my first grandchild and there is obvious affection for this bundle of
joy. Beyond that, something magical has been generated every time we see
each other. The extended eye contact he maintains with me is something I
have never experienced before. The way he shimmy dances and kicks his
legs upon my first sight immediately brings a smile to my face. The day he
crawled to me as I was seated on the floor and immediately fell asleep in my
arms cemented the notion, we have an amazing bond.
The old adage is “a picture is worth a thousand words(palabras)” and this
snapshot has inspired me to pen some words to my buddy Luca who might
read them years down the road.

Value your family heritage Luca and remain curious. As I watched one
family member after another attend your 1st birthday party, I witnessed hugs,
kisses and genuine affection shared. The Romero family is a close-knit family
who made it crystal clear that they thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.
Follow the lead of the Romero family and when you meet people for the
first time let that amazing smile beam, look them in the eye and shake their
hands with a firm grip.

Pick your friends wisely and maintain amigos that share strong work habits
and unwavering character. Find friends that are eager to grow and are rarely
satisfied. Choose amigos that are compassionate, willing to listen and keep your most inner thoughts private.

Don’t be afraid to fail as you experience more and more new adventures.
Failure can teach valuable lessons when you take time to dissect all the
variables. The willingness to be new and a rookie at any task allows for tons
of growth opportunities within your brain. Be a lifelong learner and your
brain will continue to stay sharp.

During our vacation we experienced some warm weather and created several
opportunities for you to cool down in a splash pool. Your face lit up every
time we placed you in that environment. There was zero fear on your face as
you splashed and crawled around the pool. You love the water and that is
homage to your mother who was an amazing swimmer in high school.
Partake in activities that you are passionate about. They may coincide with
your parents and friends or they may not and that’s ok. Your heart will tell
you with a “thumpity thump” if it’s truly an activity for you. Once you find
those activities let yourself be fully immersed.
If your passion follows some athletic journey, understand the true value of
the experience. You will most likely never make a living as an athlete, but
the lessons of self-reflection, evaluation and goal setting are life-changing,
and can be utilized for the rest of your life.

We spent a day visiting Old San Juan on this vacation. Even though you
were fighting a stomach bug that day, your eyes displayed excitement and
constantly scanned the city streets. You loved the forward-facing stroller and
when I pushed you to the top of the military fort you squealed with joy. It
was amazing how you communicated even at this young age. We knew
when your were hungry or needed a diaper change just by your actions.
Value communication skills and listen closely to a small circle of confidants
that help you make decisions. No matter what profession you choose there
will be a fair share of critics. Their noise is merely pollution and expected. If
the most trusted members of your circle express concern, then you need to

As you develop relationships with friends and coworkers be careful about
extending promises. Live by the rule, “promise small, but deliver big” and
the trust that will follow will be plentiful and impactful.
As life progresses you will face multiple scenarios that might cause anxiety
and apprehension. Understand that they are momentary and just mere
opportunities for growth and comprehension. Don’t waste energy on fear as
it simply represents a lack of understanding.

As the vacation ended and it was time to say goodbye, powerful emotions
ran rampant once again through this old soul. You were headed back to
Orlando (your new home) and I was headed back to Detroit. You were not
yet capable of understanding the interaction but unfortunately, I was. I teared
up, I became unable to speak and my heart ached. You simply maintained
your eye contact and seemed to be communicating the message, “it’s ok
Grandpa, we will see each other again soon.” Is it possible that a one-year-
old understands the concept that “pain” is evidence of unconditional love? I
have a funny feeling that this one-year-old is wise beyond years.

The world awaits you Luca. You can head in any direction and I hope to be
along for the ride with love stamped 1000 times strong.

Side note- this blog contains 1000 words!


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